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Headshots for Business & Medical Professionals, Resumes, Models, Actors…. Serving Columbus, Ohio and the surrounding area
If you are in need of a new or updated headshot, let us help you get one that you will be proud of!!
Take a serious look at your current headshot. Is it doing you and your company justice? Does it look like you? Does it match your brand? If not, it’s time to cut it loose and replace it with one done right. The quality and style of your headshot conveys a lot about you as a person and signals how you conduct business and effects directly on your professionalism. Everyone needs a professional headshot: Executive portraits, business professionals, medical professionals including for Medical School, real estate agents, actors, models, authors, writers for a newspaper or magazines, you have a blog, or you want something for a dating site to college students about to start their careers with a resume. Set yourself apart from the crowd and invest in yourself and your career.
You need to look like you with a comfortable and inviting expression.
It is very important for your headshot to look like you: it should be pleasant, and you should look friendly and approachable; like someone they want to meet and work with. We do not just get you in front of the camera take a few snaps and are done. We take the time required to do it right.
Going to the mail room or having security use your ID badge photo for your company picture is like using your driver’s license photo. Everyone knows how well those turn out. This is the image of you that winds up being used on the company’s web site, emails, social media, and other promotional materials. You are also short changing yourself if you think a quick snap from your phone is a headshot. That is not what other successful professionals are doing and neither should you. Going to a photographer and having them take 10-15 shots and letting you pick something online is not going to cut it either: What if you do not like any of them? You end up picking the lesser of evils and are still not happy, and you have a headshot that is not as effective as it should be.
The Art of a great headshot. So what makes us different?
We start by with talking with you, so we know what your natural expressions are. We take the time to get you relaxed and comfortable in front of the camera and shoot some images. We then look at them with you on a large monitor to see important details that you cannot see on the back of a camera. As we go through the images, we discuss and work with you on what might need to be adjusted or improved and start making some choices. We shoot some more and then go back to the monitor. We continue this process until we have the perfect image(s) you want.
Retouching that looks natural
We then discuss retouching: Our philosophy is that retouching should look natural and you should look like you. It should be hard to tell the image was retouched. We generally remove temporary blemishes, razor burn and flyaway hairs. We minimize undesired features such as wrinkles. We lighten (not whiten) eyes and teeth. We soften and smooth skin, so it will look natural and have texture. With over 20 years working with Photoshop, we keep up and know current advanced techniques, we can take retouching as far as you would like.
Full resolution images you are proud of!
You are done but we are not. Based on our discussion we then retouch the image and e-mail you a proof. At this point you might want to make some final changes. We will make any desired changes and send you a new link if needed. Once you approve we will send you the 8 x 10 full resolution digital image. This image is licensed for unlimited use without restrictions. We will also output web optimized images for LinkedIn and Facebook.
Looking for a custom background?
If you need to match an existing background on a website or in brochure for continuity that is not a problem. Looking for a custom background? Let us know what your ideas are, and you might be pleasantly surprised what we can make happen.

Can you guess why this client wanted this eye-catching background for his promotional photos? His last name is "Moneypenny". Unique, unforgettable, very effective branding and marketing!
Please take a few minutes to browse some of the many headshots we have taken in our Portfolio.
Experience Chisolm Studios Headshots. Anything else is just a mugshot! ™
Schedule your Headshot appointment today: 740-920-4504